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Welcome to Urdughar.com

Urdughar is like a special online place for the Urdu Readers. It started back in 2001 with a cool idea – to celebrate and share the amazing Urdu language and culture with everyone. We’re here to give you lots of great stuff in Urdu, all written in that beautiful curly script

Our Story

Our journey began a long time ago, about 20 years back. We really, really love Urdu, and we wanted to make sure it doesn’t get lost or forgotten. So, Urdughar was born. Over the years, we’ve turned into a lively community. We have all sorts of things to read, from poems to stories, and lots more. We’re proud of where Urdu comes from, and we want everyone around the world to enjoy it

What We Do

At Urdughar, our job is simple but important. We want to be the best place for all things. We believe Urdu is like a treasure chest full of knowledge, art, and cool ideas. Our mission is to share all of this with you in the most fun and true way possible

What You Can Find Here

Urdu Articles: We have lots and lots of articles about all kinds of things, like history, science, and even travel. So, if you want to learn something new or get inspired, we’ve got you covered

Urdu Literature: If you’re into stories and poems, we have a special collection of books and cool stuff in Urdu. You’ll find old classics and new surprises

Discover Culture: Want to know about the food, fashion, and traditions in the Urdu world? We’ve got that too. We love everything about Urdu culture, and we want to share it with you

Community Fun: Urdughar is more than just a website. It’s a group of people who really love Urdu, just like you. Join us in our Comments, forums, and events to meet others who share your passion

Why Urdugharۤ 

Urdughar is more than just a website; it’s a project we really care about. We want to keep Urdu pure and true to itself while also making it exciting for today’s world. We work really hard to make sure everything we share is top-notch and respectful of the culture

Join us on this journey to explore the wonderful world of Urdu. Whether you’re already a big fan or just starting to learn, Urdughar is here to welcome you with open arms

Thanks for stopping by Urdughar.com

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